Hulk: Steamroller your opponents

Get your technique right

“Body position is crucial to a great strike. Keep your eyes on the ball and place your non-kicking foot alongside it, then get your head and chest over the ball and strike through it with your laces. This will give you power and precision. Try to hit in the middle of the ball. Do all these things and the keeper will be in trouble. He’ll see a cannonball coming! Remember: don’t lean back as you shoot, or your shot will fly over the bar.”


Work to develop accuracy

“I’m lucky to have natural power in my shots, but I do train a lot; I’m always working hard to improve my finishing. It’s no use having lots of power without any accuracy. When you play with your friends as a kid, it’s all about force – a natural strength you either have or you don’t – but once you develop, you need to practise and master the technique so that your shots are not only powerful, but clinical as well.”


Protect the ball

“I’m a big guy, but you don’t have to be strong to hold off defenders – you just have to hide the ball from them. Plant one foot on the ground while you use the other foot to control the ball, keeping your body between it and the defender. If the defender kicks you, stay calm and assess your options quickly. Can you turn forwards and escape the defender? Can you pass to a team-mate? Or can you even wait for the foul?”


Don’t let your head drop

“Never give up. Players go through bad moments – it’s normal. Football’s no different to life. When you’re going through a run of poor form, try to understand what is going on. Don’t lose your focus. If you think something needs to be done, make it happen: explore new ideas and methods. But sometimes things just don’t go your way – it doesn’t mean you’re doing something wrong. Keep your head up and evaluate your performance.”


Listen to your body

“I don’t do yoga or Pilates, but I do stretch a lot to improve my mobility. I get to training early to stretch before the session starts, and I even stretch at home. Listen to your body and it will tell you when it needs to rest and when it needs specific stretching. If you are a good listener, you will do what’s right for your body. I use a foam roller at the club to release some of the tension and tightness in my body. It really helps.”


Adapt your workout

“I’ve never enjoyed going to the gym, but I do work on my core – it’s a must if you want to reduce your risk of injury. Even on holiday, I’m working on it. I do upper body exercises once a week, normally a day or two after a match, depending on how tired I am. When we play twice a week, I only stretch and do some specific exercises with really low weights. If we’ve got a week before the next game, I complete two gym workouts.”